Sunday, May 26, 2024

Holy Assurance

Today's Gospel ends with perhaps the most famous and significant promise of Christ: "Behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age", St. Mark tells us. Jesus then ascends into Heaven before the confused Apostles.

If there is a greater assurance that God loves us I can't imagine it. He's always here, He will always look out for us. We forget that when all is well and, myself included, wonder where He really is in times of trouble. We're only human. When we're happy and content it seems as though that's the way it ought to be. When difficulties arise, we question everything. 

There's no need to question. We don't understand - we can't, at least not fully, understand - anything of the world. But He is with us. It'll be all right in the end. 

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