Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Get the Robots

I've seen it too much, and it's time to do something about it. I say, bring in robo-umps for calling balls and strikes in baseball.

It appears to be working in the minor leagues. In the one AAA game I saw live in Columbus, Ohio last year, they were used on appeal; the umpire was overruled each time but one. I get it: they're human. But if part of sportsmanship is getting the calls right, we need to take that human element away.

We have appeals now anyway; why not on balls and strikes? The umpires themselves should be in favor it, quite frankly. It would make them more anonymous and take pressure off. It would help the integrity of the game.

As it is, I'm seeing far too many bad calls, balls and strikes both, to not as a fan want the change. When we actually know and rue an umpire's name being announced (looking at you, Angel Hernandez) and Aaron Judge being tossed after nine years without being told to leave a game, something's wrong. And the fix is easy.

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