Friday, May 31, 2024

It's All in the Timing.

Today is me brother Phil's birthday.

The thing about his birthday which can never be forgiven is that it was in May. Specifically, of course, the 31st. The last day of the month. He could have held out.

Why, you ask (you did ask, didn't you?), is it such a big deal? Well, Bill and Ella Cosgriff had eight kids, so (check my math) there were 10 of us. And the birthdays were spread out quite evenly. Dad was born in January, Mom February 16, me older brother Bill in March, me in April, etcetera. We already had a birthday in May through me brother Patrick, and in July due to me sister Susan and brother Ed. This left June to fill the gap. And Phil was due June 13, which was interestingly me Grandpaw Hutchins (me Mom's dad) birthday. It would have been serendipity all the way around, family birthdays every month of the year through July and a shared birthdate with our beloved Grandpaw.

Then Phil skunks it all up.

Happy Birthday ya lout.

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