Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Hockey History

On our visit to Toronto this past weekend, me son Frank and I went to the Hockey Hall of Fame. There were lots of good things there, although it did seem to be mostly team jerseys. Still, it was an interesting look at the players and all who made the game what it is today.

As we looked over a display about hockey dynasties, I told my son about how the Edmonton Oilers might have had one more Stanley Cup to their credit if it hadn't been for an 'own goal' in the 1986 playoffs. Edmonton scored against itself on a bad pass from defenseman Steve Smith, and the Calgary Flames bounced the Oilers from the Conference Final that year. "I remember watching it on TV, and I was as shocked as everyone in the arena," I told Frank. If you're interested, Here it is  

Lo and behold, we came across a video screen playing 'the ten worst blunders in hockey history' and what was number one?

Steve Smith's own goal. 

Serendipity. Unless you're Steve or the Edmonton Oilers.

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