Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Driving like me Pops (and me Grandpa Joe)

Hey Pops, how are you today?

Tonight I embark on the longest road trip of my life: just under 2,000 miles. I'm going to Tucson Arizona to visit your granddaughter. You know, the one who as a child mixed up your dress shoes so that you had to man a trade show with one black and one brown shoe. It was clever how you parlayed that into greater sales though. "My granddaughter dressed me," you explained to the bemused, many of whom were grandparents themselves and appreciated the point.

I'm going to stop at Amarillo, Texas overnight before finishing the journey. The internet (yeah, I feel like a weak Cosgriff consulting such modern ways and means) tells me that's 1287 miles. I can make that in a day, right? I know you've done better. One day I will challenge your mark.

A lot of people shake their heads at a drive like that, but hell, driving' ain't nuthin'. Between you and Grandpa Joe, I got a reputation to uphold. I'm actually thinking about cancelling the room in Amarillo and driving straight through, only that that granddaughter of yours would mother me over it if I did. But if we shouldn't drive, why would God give us cars, eh?

I'll let you know how it goes. We're intending to see the Grand Canyon over the weekend; wasn't that what you and your cousin Jim took a trip to see back in 1955? There were some stories there I bet.

Until next time,


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