Sunday, July 7, 2019

The plush toucan

Dads like to do nice things for their kids. And nice things don't have to be spectacular.

When my daughter was 6 or 7, we found ourselves on a family vacation in St. Ignace, Michigan. Wherever we were, there was this crane machine, the type where you pay a quarter for a chance to grab a toy or prize or whatever. Abby spotted this stuffed toucan doll which she decided that she had to have. We gave her 4 or 5 quarters and she went to work trying to scoop that bird out of the machine. But fortune wasn't with her and she didn't get it. After the last quarter was played she went off with her mother for a drink of water, and I could tell she was disappointed.

I had one more quarter. I stood by that oversized toy and thought, why not try? I've never been good at those things, but hey. I fed it to the crane machine and lo and behold, I managed to nab that toucan.

I must admit I was pretty tickled at my luck. Yet I anticipated Abby's reaction would be better, so I held the doll behind my back and headed towards the water fountain where her and her mom were.

When I was next to her I asked commandingly, "Abby?" She turned towards me, and I brought my right hand out, presenting her that toucan.

The wide, bright eyes and huge smile were one great prize themselves, let me tell you. The big hug and loud "Thank you Daddy!" didn't hurt either. She showed it to me a year or two ago; she still has that little toucan.

Nice things don't have to be spectacular.

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