Monday, July 22, 2019

Pistachios and pecans

The things you learn on the road...

I had no idea that southern Arizona and southern New Mexico were hotbeds for pistachios and pecans. Really. In the desert heat and amid the brown, dusty dirt areas are these seas of green, rows upon rows of pistachio and pecan trees.

They honestly look out of place, and seem to come from nowhere. Dry desert, dry desert, dry desert, boom: acres and acres of deep green trees chock full, presumably, of pistachios and pecans. Kinda impressive in their own right.

Yeah, that's what I got for you today. I bet you didn't know it either.


Anonymous said...

Well, yeah, I did. Frankly I worry about the depletion of the aquifer with the pecan farms here outside Tucson @ Sauhuarita- I grew up in awe of them. Massive water users. But, admittedly, tasty!

Charles Martin Cosgriff said...

I understand what you're saying. Thanks for commenting!