Saturday, July 13, 2019

Marty has car trouble

Anyone who knows me knows the kind of vehicles I drive. There were probably eye rolls and incredulous looks when those people heard I was driving to Arizona. But I'm not so bad as to go that far in any kind of questionable car or van. I rented a car for the trip.

About twenty miles before my destination the car began making the most awful noises. I thought I had blown a tire, yet a quick inspection showed nothing like that. But when I got back on the road again, there was the same terrible noise. I popped the hood and looked under the car, yet there was no obvious cause.

Thankfully I was close enough to my daughter's to limp the car there; I found I could drive it at surface speeds with no problems, and as such why wait for a tow or the rental company when you're so close to home? But at freeway speeds, wow. It's a really bad thumping, flapping kind of noise.

I'll go to Enterprise this morning and get another car of course. And I'm glad I was so close to the end of the trip when my troubles occurred. My good fortune is further made in that there's an Enterprise six blocks away. I'll drive the car there to get a replacement. But it goes to show that you can do the right thing and it still doesn't always work completely as planned. And I just know that me Pops and me Grandpa Joe are looking down on me saying, "You should have just driven your own car, boy."

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