Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Pray for Vermont and Delaware

Yeah, I know. That's the wrong kind of lead in, especially as there's nothing that I know of wrong in Vermont or Delaware. I just need them for myself.

I play license plate bingo when on the road. As I'm coming off a long road trip, I thought I might have a chance to see a lot of plates. And I have: 48 in fact. I've also seen for the first time one from Puerto Rico, one from Sonora, a Mexican state due south of Tucson, Arizona, and several from the Indian nations in Oklahoma. Then there's the 4 Canadian provinces I've spotted: Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, and Alberta. But the 48 states I've seen constitutes a record. The best I've spotted before was 47.

So now you know what I want you to pray for. I'm on my last overnight hotel stay and will be back in the 313 tomorrow night. And I need to find plates from Vermont and Delaware to obtain the coveted perfect score in license plate bingo: to spot all 50 states.

My apologies then if I had you scrambling to find out what's happened in Vermont and Delaware. But I have about 10 hours on the highway tomorrow to find them or I will have to content myself with a mere new high score.

In case you're wondering (and I know you are) my record for Canadian provinces is 7. I do not expect to break it tomorrow.


Paul said...

I'll take your word that you saw a car that had driven here from Puerto Rico. But you've also seen a car that drove here from Hawaii???????????

Charles Martin Cosgriff said...

Lol! I have to presume they were shipped in. I actually saw a Guam plate when Charlie was stationed at Fort Leonard Wood in Missouri!