Friday, July 26, 2019

Tucson protocols

So I had a little car trouble while heading to Tucson a few weeks ago. For those who don't know about it, you can read about it here:

Anyway, I went to Enterprise and they were very good about simply giving me another car. They looked the old one over, which was fair enough and what I expected they'd do, then gave me another. I was quite happy with that.

Anyway once more, while at the counter at Enterprise the young woman behind it looked at my daughter, smiled, then turned around and pulled up her hair, showing Abby her neck and the back of her head. Abby smiled in return, turned, and showed the woman the back of her neck. Then they chit chatted for a few minutes about it. It turns out they both had the same, newish hairstyle.

Not knowing this, I remember thinking: That's an odd sort of greeting. You would think the travel sites would tell you about different ways of greeting people in different places. Or was I being shunned as a non-native? Perhaps this was this some protocol my daughter and son-in-law had to learn once they had moved west? You know, like a secret handshake?

But it was just about the hairstyle. Personally I like my thoughts better though.

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