Thursday, July 11, 2019

Road sign humor

The things you see on the road, up to and including silly and sophomoric humor. Some of which is even by me.

You know how they often have signs promoting various attractions near highway exits? At times they gave me an opportunity to display my oft-times silliness. One such sign advertised a nearby antique shopping mall. I thought, what's so special about an old shopping mall?

Then there's the Bourbon Family Fun Center. Granted, it was in Bourbon, Missouri. Still, I'm really not sure where to go with that one. It certainly invites jokes, but I simply don't want the hassle of offending the PC police today.

Notice that I o-so-subtly did though?

Another place I saw prominently advertised took what any childish humorist would have done and boldly ran with it without the least concern for the offense of anybody. I'm almost ashamed of myself for even talking about it. Yet there are friends out there, and you know who you are, who will think this classic comedy.

Near another Missouri town, Uranus, and I assure you I am not making this up, were billboards promoting the Uranus Fudge Factory. I sigh heavily as I write this, and likely as not every single one of you know where this unabashedly juvenile humor is going, but another sign farther down the road took it a step further. It proclaimed, and I swear I am not making this up, that the best fudge in the world is made in Uranus.

Yes, go ahead and laugh. It's what the world's come to.

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