Monday, February 1, 2021

Glitz up for Groundhog Day

It's the First of February! And as I've already taken upon myself to create new holidays (remember Christmas Eve Eve? Of course you do! Well, Ron might not) I declare this Groundhog Eve. So, Happy Groundhog Eve everyone!

And it just so happens that I've developed a list of Groundhog Eve decorations, right on time for this festive occasion. Do you have you Groundhog Tree up yet? How about Groundhog garland for around the handrail of your staircase? And of course your home would not be complete without the Groundhog wreath garnishing you front door.

Just talk to me and I guarantee you'll get the best, low prices. But hurry: the money that I'm getting from that Nigerian prince won't pay itself back. Perhaps you could join me in the effort. We'll split the proceeds evenly, exactly His Highness promised to do with me.

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