Friday, November 11, 2022

Honestly Bronner's?

I've complained about politics all week. I'm going to complain about something else today.

Recently while on the end of a sales trip, the work done and no particular reason to rush home, I stopped by Bronner's, a huge Christmas store in Frankenmuth, Michigan. I was feeling nostalgic and wanted to get my Christmas on, because I really do like Christmas and the feel of Christmas. I simply want it to stay in its lane.

Bronner's advertises widely that we need to keep Christ in Christmas, a sentiment which I agree with wholeheartedly. The store does not hide its Christian roots. Still, I was disappointed to see them selling 'Holiday Countdown Calendars', whatever they are, alongside traditional Advent calendars. Advent calendars are popular for counting down the 25 days till Christmas once December rules the year.

Really, Bronner's? Keep Christ in Christmas but offer generic Holiday Countdown memorabilia? Have you sold out that much to secular consumerism? Have you actually bought into the don't offend anyone mantra? How do you justify that? "Nothing says keep CHRIST in CHRISTmas like our handy dandy Holiday Countdown Calendar!"

I'm disappointed. I truly am.

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