Tuesday, November 8, 2022

The 2022 Midterm Elections

Well, since I'm a threat to democracy anyway I might as well go all out. 

If you vote for Proposition 3 in Michigan today, you are an accessory to murder, plain and simple. Direct abortion is murder, every time, no exceptions. 

I urge you to vote straight Republican, even with their flaws (and they certainly have them, with wanting to destroy America and all). That's part of the problem with the right to vote, though: you will have no angels among your choices. The world isn't perfect. Why you expect it out of politicians and politics is beyond me. Voting the best you can is the best you can do.

Feel no electoral mercy towards those who tried (through COVID) to destroy your life or try (through government controlled education) to destroy your children. Vote them out. They would do it to you. You will not be harming America by exercising your rights. You will more likely be helping her.

Damn the torpedoes, and God Bless America.

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