Friday, November 25, 2022

Raw Power

Many of my liberal friends live in fear of greedy big businessmen. They supposedly have unimaginable power, and they can't wait to milk every red cent they can out of the little guy. It makes me wonder, if it's all about who has the money and power, why aren't they more afraid of the government?

Say what you will about the businessmen - many of whom may indeed be greedy and powerful - it's the government who has the most money and the most power. 

You can elect - ha, ha - not to spend your money at a business. Yes, you can. What's more, you will not be tossed into the pokey for it. You can control, in a direct, no nonsense manner, how much to give big business. Try doing that when the government sends you a tax bill to pay for their projects, many of which you may rightly oppose. You'll find you must pay government no matter what. No other option exists for you. 

Well, except fines and prison.

Keep in mind I'm only talking about your taxes so far. I haven't touched on the hundreds of other areas where government can tell you what and what not to do, or face fines and imprisonment for daring to thumb your nose at them. All that lies beyond the power of any given private company.

Yet greedy big business is a greater threat to our person and property. Go figure. 

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