Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Tolerance and Inclusion in Qatar

So. Those in favor of the alphabet soup of rights, the LBGTQ groups and what not, are upset at the Muslim nation of Qatar for hosting the FIFA World Cup while not supporting the LBGTQ cause. Qatar for example won't allow rainbow flags. Indeed, homosexual activity is illegal there.

I see two ways around this.

The first is for the alphabet soup folks to become accepting and tolerant of the diversity of viewpoint which that Muslim nation offers. They can make their tent big enough to include Islam even if that world is diametrically opposed to their lifestyles. If, that is, their core philosophy is really all about diversity et cetera.

Or, second, the LBGTQ supporters can admit that it's not about tolerance and diversity and inclusion at all but about basic right and wrong. While I would still disagree with their conclusions, I would have greater respect for them.

The thing is, they won't do either. They can't. 

They can't do the first because it would expose their inherent hypocrisy: they don't actually believe in acceptance and tolerance and diversity of others, but only of them. And they can't do the second because making the discussion about right and wrong, moral and immoral, quickly becomes problematic. It would necessarily lead to questions they don't wish to entertain: namely, that they would have to examine their own premises and consider that they could be wrong about themselves.

Oh, what a tangled web we weave.