Thursday, March 16, 2023

91 Cents

The definition of a First World Problem is a 'difficulty' which really means nothing in the grand scheme of things, or some issue which is genuinely trivial. Like wanting a pizza at 3 AM when your favorite pizza joint is closed.

I collect change. Not for keeps, that is, but to let it pile up until I have several hundred dollars in coins, which I can then use to pay for something indulgent without affecting my regular budget. So when I was at the grocery store the other day I was rather pleased that my total was $37.09. It meant I would get 91 cents change to add to what I have in the bank under my bed.

Then the cashier gives me thirteen whole dollars back from the fifty dollar bill I had given him.

I really wanted the 91 cents, but what do you say? If it's easier for him to round up, how can you protest? It's less than a pittance these days, and it did leave me nine pennies ahead. Still, I wanted the change.

First World Problem though, right?

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