Thursday, March 23, 2023

Jury Service Service

Here comes another reason that I don't like nor trust government. I believe even the more liberal among my friends will agree with me on this one, though.

How difficult is it to remove a person's name from a list? In this computer age, how hard a task can it possibly be? So far as I can tell, all you need to do is highlight an area on a form, hit Control X, and Bob's Yer Uncle, information has been deleted. Gone in well less than 60 seconds.

Me eldest son has lived in Ohio, which, you may note, is not Detroit, Michigan by any stretch of reason or the imagination, for nearly ten years now. We're at the high end of a full decade of his becoming an, ugh, Buckeye (apologies, true friend Ohioans). Yet does that prevent the City of Detroit from sending him regular jury summons, uh, summonses? Summonsi? Whatever the plural is.

To answer that question straight, no. He routinely gets called for jury service, sends them the pertinent information clearly demonstrating his Ohio citizenship, and is granted an excuse from serving. Then, typically within two years, he is summoned anew, and the whole thing plays out once more. It recently happened again and he was excused again, but reminded that he may be randomly selected - again - in the future. 

These are the people who are going to save us from every tragedy known to man, friends. They can't delete a name from a file, but boy howdy, they know how to fix all the trouble in the world. Government, right? They can do it all...except for basic IT functions.

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