Wednesday, March 29, 2023

What Today Brings

Yesterday I had dental work done. It was supposed to be this Thursday, tomorrow as it is now, but my dentist had a spot come open at 5:30 Tuesday so I took it. May as well get things over with, right?

Almost immediately upon accepting the change of plans, the dread set in. No one really looks forward to major dental work, do they? Certainly not I. Now instead of living through the mental agony of the wait on Thursday I got to live through it Tuesday. Oh joy, oh rapture.

But that has its advantages. Tomorrow it'll be all behind me, and I'll get to watch baseball Opening Day live. My beloved Detroit Tigers first pitch of the season is set for 3:10 Thursday. I'd likely miss it if bound to the dentist's chair in the dental lair. Believe it or not, I nearly rescheduled my original appointment simply to catch the opener. Honest. Things, then, may be working out well after all.

As to the tooth work done and how I feel, well, that's Thursday's blog now, isn't it? Hopefully I won't be like Dr. Smith. You know, Dr. Smith: "Oh the pain, the pain." The accidental stowaway from Lost in Space? Remember he and the Robot and Will Robinson used to hang out. Do I have to explain everything?

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