Sunday, March 12, 2023

Sunlight Shenanigans

Spring has sprung forward. We now have that extra hour of daylight to enjoy before we give it back in November.


Although I've accepted the practice for years I've never actually understood the purpose of daylight savings time. One explanation is that it gives us more natural light at the end of the day when demand for electricity would ordinarily by higher. Then it occurred to me: isn't there a great demand for power as we wake up to start the day? Are we really saving anything? Admittedly, I don't know the answer. But I think it's a good question.

I'm reminded of the tale that there's an absurdity in cutting an inch or two off a blanket, sewing it to the the other side, and thinking we somehow have more blanket. Does it truly matter with which end of the blanket we start our day? As neat as fall back is, I say let's just stop the shenanigans with our sunlight. There are much more fun shenanigans to be had.

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