Friday, January 19, 2024

God and Government

One of the typical criticisms of a belief in God is that, what, you just have to do what you're told because He's God? That's a great oversimplification of course, but I won't address that just now. What I will instead address though is what that attitude means within the purely human world.

When the government of the United States dictates something, what do we generally hear? This: you have to do what you're told because, well, democracy. And an awful lot of people won't think beyond that. You opposition folks just have to do it, on the raw authority of those in power.

There's a certain hypocrisy involved there, don't you think? And also a rather profound error.

At least a kind and loving God merits a following. Government, indeed any human construction, being obviously flawed by virtue of their very humanity, doesn't rise to that level. It is subject to make a great many wrong decisions, and it does. Yet we're to treat it as a god. Go figure.

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