Friday, August 30, 2024

Fashion Plate

While at the funeral home for me Grandpa Joe years back I met an old gentleman who knew both him and me Grandma Cosgriff when they were all youths in Jacksonville, Illinois. The three went to school together as I recall.

It was quite nice of the man to come offer his respects. I want to say he dressed for it, and I suppose he did, though his clothing showed little fashion sense. That's saying something coming from me.

I won't say that he clashed. But he clashed. Spectacularly. A checkered sport coat covered a plaid shirt, while striped pants adorned his legs. His tie was paisley and shoes were white. Blazing white in fact, white hot as the Sun. Even the kerchief in his suit pocket had a pattern of its own. It seemed to change as he moved.

At least I think it did. You know how snowy over the air TV is when there's the barest reception? That man was a walking motion picture snowstorm, an epic blizzard of activity upon itself. But he was there, so God bless him for that. I'm actually glad I got to meet him. I have something to aspire towards.

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