Wednesday, August 14, 2024

On and Yon

I don't mind saying that I put in a good day yesterday. Took my walk early, then got to the old barn and managed about 90 minutes productive work. I came home long enough to clean up, and drove to Toledo to call on three customers. Arriving back at the Shop around 12:30, I set about getting everything done for today which needed to be done for today, actual manual labor most of it. I broke a sweat (horrors!) before locking up the place for home around 4:30.

Feeling rather too proud of myself, I recollected on my accomplishments as I walked into the front hall. Reaching for my cell phone, I realized that I had left it on a shelf on a charger at the Shop.

Aw nuts. I'd have to retrace my steps and fetch it. Yet I almost talked myself out of that. What's the chances I would really need it overnight? 

But the fear with that is, late yesterday afternoon or evening would be the one time in months someone might try to reach me in a serious emergency. Short of that, perhaps I might get an important business call. "Forsooth, Martin! I am in desperate need of a new drain serpent forthwith, immediate upon the coming morn! Make haste to return my inquiry, lest my hand be forced and I seek the aid of yon competitor."

I need the money more than yon anybody. I went back and got my phone. 

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