Monday, August 19, 2024

Fuel For Thought

Me son Charlie and I were at the Upper Peninsula State Fair last Friday. We stayed long enough to hear the free rock concert that night, featuring Saliva and Fuel, two hard rock bands from about twenty five years ago who are still active.

I honestly enjoyed it. I will be the old man and say that Saliva's songs all kind of sounded the same to my ear. Hard rock and metal, while I like them well enough, both seem to hit me that way. You kids get off my lawn! 

But Fuel, who I had never heard of before last week, I liked quite a bit. They have their own distinct sound, at least in my mind. It helped that their various songs each sounded different, or different enough that I could tell them apart. I won't bore you with a set list (mostly because I have no idea of the song names) but during their encore they did a great hard rock cover of Hotel California. It was really, really good.

I might actually buy a couple of their albums. You know, be the old man in the alt rock section of the record store (vinyl is making a comeback you know) who gets made fun of behind his back by the half goth teen employees who take his money just the same.

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