Monday, August 26, 2024

Poor Preaching

I've always enjoyed watching the Little League World Series. But the coach of the Lake Mary team from Florida was off base in his speech urging his team on in the bottom of the Sixth Inning of yesterday's championship game, the standard last inning at that level of play. He told the kids that the outcome was already written, that God had told him they would rally and win (they were down 1-0) so all they had to do was finish the job.

That was wrong of him. It sends a very bad message. Two, in fact. The future is never preordained, and the Almighty doesn't take sides in kid's games, if indeed in any sports at all.

I get it: he wanted to inspire his charges, to help them relax. Yet it gives the wrong expectation about God. If the Florida boys lose (the game is in extra innings as I write) what are they supposed to think about their coach's words? Did God toy with them? Did their coach and mentor? It’s simply not right.

If they win, what might they think? That God thought more of them than a corollary set of kids from Chinese Taipei, who, like the Floridians, were simply playing a game they loved? I would hope not. But the invitation is certainly there. And what are those Chinese youngsters supposed to think should they ever hear that speech?

The whole thing invites cynicism and/or arrogance. Neither is good.

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