Sunday, August 4, 2024

I'm Only Sleeping

No, not the Beatles song from their album Revolver, a great record by the way (I can't make up my mind whether it or Sgt. Pepper is the group's best) where John Lennon laments that he's, uh, only sleeping. But sleep for me is on the one hand more elusive, while on the other can happen quite unexpectedly.

I can be at home stretched across the bed of an evening, clean, fed, and seemingly comfortable after a trying day, yet can't get close to sleep. The ceiling draws near as I stare at it; closed eyes are only that, and there are no distractions. My mind isn't set onto any disturbing, hurried or worried thoughts. I just can't drift off. 

Then in the middle of the afternoon at the old barn I'll find myself hot, dirty, completely uncomfortable, sweat soaked and generally physically miserable. I'll sit down at my desk in what passes as an office, with a coffee from my Shop Keurig at the ready, taking a break to gather myself, and doze off in seconds, chin on my chest, with no trouble whatsoever. I don't even realize it's happened, and am typically jolted awake by a phone call twenty minutes later. 

Why is that? And I should have shut off my phone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I liked that ,cause that is exactly like it is !!