Friday, June 18, 2021


I'm trying. I'm very trying. Quiet Ron.

I'm trying my dead level damndest to break my left hand. Really. I've hit it several times over the last few weeks while holding some object and striking said object with a hammer in my right hand. Here I thought my hand to eye coordination wasn't all that bad too.

What makes it worse is that it never seems to happen when I'm using a rubber mallet or small hammer. It never happens when I'm merely tapping something. It happens when I have a large ball peen hammer and must actually drive something, like a piece of steel out of a holder. Things you must strike hard to move. It's like, bam! Bam! Bam! Damn it, that last one was my knuckle! Cue to Marty dropping hammer and shaking left hand wildly in the air.

The knuckle at the base of my left pointer is swollen this morning to the point I can't make a fist. Thankfully it doesn't hurt but only feels tight. I'll have to do a better job of self inflicted injury next time. Or, a germ of an idea is brewing in me head, or have me brother Phil hold the thing I'm hammering next time.

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