Thursday, June 3, 2021

Marty and the sparrow

Often as I enjoy my morning constitutional I walk past the Wayne State University baseball diamond, Ernie Harwell Field. Baseball and Ernie go together very well, don't they?

A fence runs along the third base side of the field, a regular old chain link fence. I would say it's about 400 feet long, ending at the service drive of the Ford Freeway. Tuesday as I hiked along the sidewalk outside the fence I was accompanied by a sparrow. Yet I don't think he cared to accompany me.

Chain link fences have all those little diamond shaped holes formed by the chain links, right? They're perfect for tiny birds to perch upon. Or within I suppose. So it wasn't surprising that this sparrow was sitting in one of those little holes as I approached from one end of the fence.

Birds however don't care for human company. When seeing me the sparrow left his perch, to fly about fifteen feet away and resit in another diamond link. Of course I kept on walking. I was on my morning walk after all.

As I drew closer the bird moved again, another several feet down the fence. My closing in on that position caused the little guy to move again. I got closer and he flit another few yards. This repeated itself the entire length of the fence.

I found it funny, the bird trying to keep its distance and me just plugging along. The sparrow however was likely thinking, 'The hell, dude? I'm trying to respect your space, why don't you respect mine?"

Birds, huh?

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