Saturday, June 5, 2021

Gossip guy

Among my interests are The Beatles. I love their music. So in order to learn more about them I frequent an online website where you can ask questions about the band as a group and as individuals. People who know then offer answers.

Some of it is beyond my poor abilities to comprehend. A question I read this morning was about the difference between remastering and remixing what are now decades old recordings. It was far too technical for me. But I'll trust the expert's answer. It sure sounded good.

Most questions are of interest as curiosities. I even asked one myself, about their ability to harmonize. John, Paul, and George have some fantastic three part harmonies (The Sun King from Abby Road for example) and I wondered if there were examples of four part harmony with Ringo. Apparently no, although they did often all sing the melody together. The chorus of Yellow Submarine is an example of that.

I go to the site and spend really far too much time reading what's there. But lately I consciously try not to read any questions which strike me as too personal, things which border on gossip. One question I skipped past this morning involved why Paul broke up with longtime girlfriend Jane Asher. It's simply none of my business.

Gossip is wrong yet we participate in it constantly, myself included. Did you hear about so and so who did such and such? And all too much of it is merely prurient. A biography I read about a year ago on baseball's Ted Williams seemed to delight in his sexual endeavors; many questioners on this Beatles site are far too concerned with the lads' similar conquests. Why should we care, other than to revel in vulgarity?

I try to avoid such drivel about The Beatles. I need to be better about steering clear of it in real life too.

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