Monday, June 14, 2021

Regular old Old Spice

They say choice is a good thing. Perhaps. But it strikes me that choice isn't necessary if you know what you want.

I like Old Spice deodorant. Just regular old, plain old, Old Spice. Simple as that. So while in a store yesterday I decided to buy a stick of Old Spice. Regular old Old Spice.

They had High Endurance. They had extra sweat protection. There was pure sport. They had dragonblast and wolfthorn. What in the blazes is a wolfthorn? Why would I care about blasting dragons? I want regular Old Spice. That's all.

They had something labelled Swagger. I'm 61. I haven't had swagger since I was 47 and I'm not sure I actually had it then. I just want Old Spice. Regular Old Spice, the one that's been around for decades. 

It was not to be found. I'm sure I can order it online, but it seems that I should be able to get it easily at places such as the Dollar General I was in. And damn all the choices anyway. They don't mean nothing when they ain't what ya want.

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