Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Predictability is funny

Some things just make your day. It can very nice indeed if your day is made early.

I know I'm a creature of habit in both my activities and my, shall I say, slogans. I like repeating several of me Pops common remarks such as 'Every day above ground is a good one', even though me sister hates that one. But I've developed my own sayings too. A common one when asked how I am is, 'Not bad for an old man'. It apparently has become rather well known.

As I finished my typical morning constitutional today I stepped into the local 24/7 gas station and party store for a paper. I still like the occasional morning news even though in this Internet age I probably know most of the expressed events as it is and as such what I buy is already dated. But it's still a paper and there's still comics and crossword puzzles which I don't know, thank you very much. I might also as I did this morning buy a coffee, especially as I had none ready at home. What says lazy worse than a man with a Keurig who buys a large coffee for a buck sixty-five because it's easier? In my defense I was of course already at a spot where I could get my java immediately while my Keurig and my percolator were four whole blocks away.

Gathering the paper and the joe I set them on my side of the glass enshrined counter. Reaching for my wallet I asked the attendant conversationally, "How are you today?"

I looked up to see a broad smile on his face. "Not bad for an old man!" he heartily exclaimed.

I laughed out loud. "Well, good for you!" I replied to the much younger than me guy. But I appreciated the humor, and it truly made my day.

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