Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Tuesday Tidings

I've never understood the people who assert that there is no absolute and final right and wrong, good or evil, yet argue with me (essentially calling me wrong or evil) when I say there is. 

What exactly are you arguing for? You can't by your own admission be right, nor I wrong. You simply have no standing in a court which doesn't exist. At the very least I have philosophic consistency on my side (although it is much more than that of course).

One friend who believes in that nothingness told me he debates in order to refine his thoughts. But refine them why, how, and towards what? Talk itself is worse than merely cheap, it's nonsense, without hard definition. You can't have definition where there's nothing to define.

And those are my thoughts this early morning, dispensed by the light of my Kindle. Now go and have a good, good having a real and useful meaning, day.

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