Sunday, January 22, 2023

Hitching a Ride

I'm not sure I ever told this on Mom. But if I did, humor me.

She hated being behind trucks, and so did I. She especially hated car haulers, I think because it can appear as the cars upon them looked like they could break off and come towards you. It can seem daunting in the regard, truth be told.

We were behind a single level car hauler one day which had an open space at the very back. "You gonna pass that thing?" Mom asked.

"Well," I replied, "I'm thinking I might race up towards it, then pull up hard on the steering wheel while you and me both lean back into our seats, and lift the front of the van up so we can jump onto the truck and get a free ride." Then I kind of chuckled.

Mom didn't respond. In fact, she appeared to be seriously thinking it over, considering the idea in her mind. Surely, I thought, she doesn't believe we could actually do it. 

Finally she said, "You know, as much as I would like to see that, I think we should just pass the truck today."

So we did. But I still can't make up my mind: was she serious, or did she play me really well?

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